Great opportunities and exposure for us at the annual NRB Convention
This week we are privileged to be the guests of SAVE, a 501(c)(3) entity of Lancaster, PA at Proclaim 18, the annual convention and trade show of the National Religious Broadcasters Association.
SAVE--- Survivors and Victims Empowered, originally started out as a ministry for abuse survivors and has migrated into numerous related concerns and ministries, including addiction recovery, prison ministry, and more. Included in their mission is seeking out worthwhile entities, finding synergies, and partnering them with each other with the goal of mutually strengthening each others' work while helping them develop sustainable funding streams to enable them to better do their respective ministries. For more on one of SAVE's latest initiatives, read here.
We were pleased to bring to the convention Peniel Mizaire, Chief Engineering Technician for Radio Lumiere. He had the opportunity to take in several valuable radio seminars. We also have met many influential people and organizations with whom we at least have planted seeds of opportunity now; before this event is over we may find out that we will have some fruits for our endeavors this week in the form of tangible equipment or commitments to receive equipment and material.
We are looking at both seeds and fruits in the form of the following (though not limited to just this list):
- procuring a 5000 watt FM transmitter and antenna
- being placed in contact lists and networks of significant and large organizations such as iHeart Radio for access to equipment and material
- interested parties are looking to discuss with Radio Lumiere the prospects of setting up micro businesses in Haiti where revenue would be generated through the sale of a product in demand that could be manufactured in Haiti by Haitians with the revenue from this going toward Radio Lumiere
interested parties who would like to discuss providing local programming content and making available resources and content for Tele Lumiere, Radio Lumiere's television broadcast arm
- procuring used radio equipment from a US Midwest network of over 200 radio stations every time a facility is upgraded
- if there is material that Radio Lumiere would not have a need for, SAVE has the means to assist us in finding a home for it in other locations internationally so that we can be of service and benefit to others in need of radio equipment and resources outside of Haiti
- and more!
We can't thank enough our friends at SAVE, Jim Hughes and Phil Sheldon for their invitation to join them at this event. We look forward to where this partnership might take us, for the benefit of Radio Lumiere and others around the world!