Our ride from the airport.

Our friends at Hibiscus House became our Plan B for Friday night instead of driving straight to Cite Lumiere because of conditions on the road.

First meal after deciding to stay the night at Hibiscus House.  We would leave before sunrise the next morning to go to Cite Lumiere.

Very early morning visit to the Radio Lumiere studio in Carrefour.

Vehicle trouble; seemed that something was wrong with the suspension.

Carl and Roy waiting inside the market while we figured out what to do with the car.  We did a good bit of waiting this week.

We saw a good bit of this, and much more, on the road to Cayes and Cite Lumiere.

On the road near Cavaillon.

MEBSH Guesthouse at Cite Lumiere, our home for the next several days.

Radio Lumiere's Cite Lumiere studio.

Discussing work plans for the upcoming week.

Sunday service at St. Simon Church.  There were several choral groups who sang that day.

Carl and friends.

Outside of MEBSH Simon Church.

Sunset reflecting off of Massif de la Hotte.

Taking the first panel up on the roof.

New inverter and switch gear.

Lolo using his electrical construction skills.

Roy working on a junction box.

Testing the solar panel wiring.

Installing devices.

Our young apprentice.

Reviewing the specs.

Taking the last panel up.

Parts issues:
Due to difficulty obtaining parts we had to get creative with mounting the panels.

Meeting with Pastor Alneve from the MEBSH to discuss projects and opportunities.

Almost complete.

Setting the last unit in place.

The team.

February 8 - 18, 2019

The plan was to install a solar power generating system to operate Radio Lumiere's Cite Lumiere station.

We arrived in Port-au-Prince Friday afternoon and immediately changed our plans due to civil unrest.  We spent the night at our favorite guesthouse not far from the airport instead.

We chose to leave under the cover of darkness the next morning to get a start on our over the road trip to the Les Cayes area, where we would be staying at the MEBSH Guest House adjacent to the Cite Lumiere station.

Due to the nationwide unrest, we had challenges obtaining material and we had to modify our travel. 

In the end, we were still successful due to the generosity of our friends from Harvest Call who had enough material for us to get our project operational, even though not complete. 

We are grateful to God for our safety and for Harvest Call's generosity.